Speaking Engagements

RD Psychotherapy is your virtual and in-person source for therapy and coaching.

If you are interested in having Dayana and/or Richard speak, please feel free to drop us a line so we can chat!

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A Program Powered by Professionals


Dayana has conducted many speaking engagements throughout her career. From psychological medical conferences to companies like Acco, BNY Mellon, Starbucks, to teaching lectures and media work. She enjoys this aspect of her career as it allows her to further grow in her teaching abilities and share her knowledge. Dayana works with companies to foster her speaking engagements around their needs. Her media speaking events have included radio segments about love ones with addiction problems, to sitting on a panel dealing with topics such as helping musicians with mental health and addictions issues, to conducting multiple-day conferences on lateral violence and how to foster a healthy work environment.


Richard has worked in practical learning and teaching environments, like the Canadian Armed Forces, and more theoretical ones, like McMaster University. He has also had the opportunity to deliver presentations at various research. Richard enjoys bringing together theoretical components and hands-on practical settings. For example, Richard has delivered presentations that described military cultural dimensions in relation to research and clinical settings. He has also discussed the topic of how to improve workplace environments through better communication and teamwork.